September 18, 2008


Jack n Lily booties, shoes and slippers
Safety 2 Go Harness
Ellie Bellie Messenger Bags, tutu's and capes
Small Potatoes Mei Tai Carriers & Minkee dot fleece reversible slings
Daylighter diaper bags
Babytease wear
Bare Organics
Grobag Egg Thermometer
Meyamo Gift Sets
Jam Packed Obus Forme Diaper Backpack
Baby Sherpa Diaper Backpack
Skip Hop Diaper Bags
Play Spot
Splash Time Towels
Baby Bijoux
Bibbity Rinse and Roll Bibs
Tidy Mats
Speckles and Weeds cards
Time Teasers....and much, much more!!!!

1 comment:

MomeeMc said...

I love the baby bin..I have purchased so many wonderful items from this store, such as my cuddly wrap that I used last year in Disney World with my daughter and LOVED IT!! Also her newest addition to her show collection, her blue with pink bows little soles.. THEY SQUEEK when she walks...No mom should go without entering this wonderful addition of a store. I have so many wonderful things to say but won't go on to much more except to say....Baby Bin Boutique you have made my childrens lives happy, from the squeeks of foot steps to the Zoobie my son adores!!!

Loyal Baby Bin shopper, Allison (selkirk)