The end of the year.
During my days as a retailer, it marked several things: realization that the next morning meant a new slate and endless possibilities; a chance to reflect on what could have been done differently and what was done perfectly; and an opportunity to relax into the most laid back day of our retail year.
I’m not sure what it is about the combination of human instinct and calender date, but for many of us, December 31 is “reboot day.” Which is good.
Need a starting point? Here you go—
1. Say thanks and mean it
The first and most important thing to do today is look each employee in the eye and tell them how appreciated they are…how valuable they are to the success of your business…and how much they helped you get through this past twelve months. As my grandfather, then father often reminded us kids as we grew up in the family business, your employees are your most valuable asset. Don’t take them for granted or squander their ability to have a positive impact.
2. Make a list of the five smartest things you did this past year
Too often, business owners forget to pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Given how hard the going has been for two years now, it’s a good time to step back and recognize the wise moves and positive changes you’re responsible for—some of which may be the reasons your doors are still open. Write them down, then tack them to a wall somewhere. Those just might be the starting points that inspire your next brainstorm.
3. Make a second list of three things you’d like to accomplish next year
These need to be things you have control over, not something beyond your control (ex: “improve the national economy” is a bit unrealistic for any one human). Maybe it’s a new rotation schedule for window displays or getting that blog jump started you’ve procrastinated about for six months. Pick three big goals, jot them down, put a target date next to them…then tack them on the wall, right next to the list of five things you did accomplish the past year. It’s a good visual reminder that when you put your mind to it, things happen.
4. Take a hard look at your current product lines
Which companies’ products aren’t selling, in spite of your personal love and adoration for them? Are they pulling their weight (ie, are they paying the rent for the space taken up on the shelves)? If not, it’s time to end the one-way love affair and find something new to flirt with. Market season is just around the corner, so now’s the time to clearance out anything that isn’t selling through at a snappy pace, with predictable regularity. Doing so will put cash in your pocket so you can begin courting a new, more profitable match at the January shows.
5. Take an equally hard look at your current providers
The most successful retailers I know revisit every single service provider they use on an annual basis to see if they’re still the most cost effective option available. This means everyone from your credit card merchant processor to your ISP to the local electric company. Some may have new cost savings plans you can opt into, some may have new competitors you can move to. In the case of processors, many will renegotiate your rates after a set period of time. Before contacting anyone to negotiate, however, do your homework. Find out what other options are out there, get the prices, and be prepared to jump ship if your current provider is unwilling to work toward keeping you happy.
6. If there’s a toxic dot on your road map, remove it
Occasionally, there’s one person or one company that makes our lives hell. You know what I mean (and, if you have one, you know who it is). Make a solemn vow that on January 2, you’re erasing that toxic dot from your shiny new 2011 road map. Write it on your personal calendar. Give yourself the weekend to work up the energy, then start the new year next week with a truly clean slate by disengaging yourself from that person or company. If you spent even five minutes in “tolerate” mode the past three months, it’s time to pull the trigger and clean things up. You (and your staff) will function better as a result. Trust me.
7. Splurge on something totally frivolous today
Whether it’s that not-decaf, not-skim cup of Double Whammy Mocha Dream you’ve eyed for weeks or an item more permanent in nature, do something nice for yourself without feeling bad about it. We spend so much time telling ourselves what’s wrong, what needs to be different, what isn’t the way we want it…we forget to occasionally think like a kid, embracing the simple fun and joy that exists right under our noses. Trust me. Letting go and simply enjoying what you’ve worked so hard for, even if in a small way, will feel good on a day like today.
So smile at everyone who comes through the door, tell them thanks for being part of your world, and remember that this is the day you’ve worked toward all year long. Time to enjoy the fruits of that labor.
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